LUSH hotels | Admission assesment -level I
At LUSH we take care of our community and the Planet. Please read below and take a short admission assesment to measure your Sustainability and Wellness Values and join LUSH. LUSH®, Creating Wellness for People and the Planet.

Lead by example in sustainability and wellness hospitality
Wellness for People
Creating Wellness for local communities, employees, guests.
Regeneration for nature
Sustainabiliy and regeneration and concepts absolutelly aligned and necessary. LUSH association strives to help and adding value to improve the environment.
At LUSH we have the feet on the ground and know that to keep on helping our stakeholders also need to generate profits. And we strive to help, boost growth and ffer a wide portfolio of services.
LUSH hotels & LUSH hotel groups - Basic criteria
IMPORTANT: At LUSH we make sure that all hotel members are alligned with LUSH Values and SDGs in their path development. All members, before joing must take the ADMISSION LEVEL ASSESMENT. Once that is approved, you get:
- Official Diploma of Member
- Creation of an individual page to accelerate your growth within LUSH community
- Increase your profits getting direct booking through our platform.
- Boost your brand by showcasing your values, actions, next, events.
- Your logo at LUSH association marketing material and official channels
- Exclusive invitation to LUSH webminars, conferences and events.
- Access to collaborate and grow through LUSH travel agencies.
- LUSH hotels and hotel groups will have access to sponsored online courses.
- LUSH hotel fact sheets and image gallery
- Access to the LUSH community forum
- Benefits in marketing material: website development, video making, catalogues, fliers, banners.
- LUSH hotels agents will have an opportunity to adversise banners at the home page of the LUSH association and social media.
- LUSH hotels will be listed as preferred hotels with eco luxury and wellness values.
- LUSH hotel will be promoted through 1x shared interview to boost its brand highlighting values, strenghs, beauty of the region, unique offer, etc.
- LUSH hotels willbe supported also by featured banners and advertisements in press and media partners
- Affiliation to LUSH:
- Get authorization to use “LUSH Hotel” name and logo in marketing content and media channels.
- Actions alligned to LUSH values
- 1 year membership, including:
- Official Diploma of Member
- Acceleration of brand through an individual profile page
- Get listed at LUSH directory
- Published interview ar official LUSH channels
- Your logo at LUSH corporate website and marketing material
- Acess to exclusive benefits at LUSH marketplace
- Exclusive benefits at the Eco Luxury Marketing agency
- Access to newsletters and industry updates
- Access and get benefits at online LUSH courses and workshops
- Access to a specialized and sensibilized community
- Invite to enter at the LUSH Community forum, with >20K members.
- Affiliation:
- Use of Diploma and LUSH logo in your marketing content and channels
- Actions alligned to LUSH values
HOT - Join before 30th October and get extra benefits.
LUSH hotels - Admission Criteria
In order to join LUSH, application members must take a short assesment of 25 questions and it will be scored on a basis of 1 point per question.
a) Above 15 points: Hotels who receive above 15 points will be eligible for the “LUSH Hotel” level membership.
b) Between 10 and 15 points: Hotels who reach between 10 and 15 points will receive a badge as “LUSH hotel applicant”. But will not be entitled to become a LUSH hotels until further notice, with a new assesment.
c) Under 10 points: Hotels reaching less than 10 points will be entitled to get a 100% free private online meeting with our senior team to assist them in the path to a higher level of sustainability and wellness.