COP 28 contradictions: US boasts climate leadership while hitting records on oil and gas production

In the midst of COP 28, the United States proudly showcases its commitment to climate leadership, even as records show a surge in oil and gas production. This apparent paradox underscores the ongoing tension between environmental goals and the challenges posed by increasing fossil fuel extraction. Despite the acknowledgment of climate leadership, the surge in production raises questions about the effectiveness of current measures in achieving sustainability targets. As nations convene to address pressing environmental issues, the dual narrative of leadership and record-breaking production highlights the complexities inherent in balancing economic interests with environmental responsibility.

The United States, the world’s second-largest emitter of greenhouse gases behind China, has witnessed a surge in investment in clean energy projects in recent years, ranging from solar parks and wind turbines to electric vehicle battery factories.

The United States is the world’s second-largest emitter of greenhouse gases behind China.

Vice President Kamala Harris sought to assert Washington’s leadership in the fight against climate change during a speech at the COP 28 summit on Saturday. In her address, she outlined a series of initiatives aimed at reducing emissions and harnessing renewable energies in the world’s largest producer of oil and gas. Despite being a major player in conventional energy sources, the United States appears committed to transitioning towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly energy landscape.

The address was delivered during the conference’s second day, featuring back-to-back speeches by global leaders in Dubai. Approximately 200 nations are actively shaping an international strategy to address climate change, engaging in debates over the continued involvement of fossil fuels in the future energy landscape. These discussions underscore the significance of ongoing deliberations and decisions made as the international community strives to create a sustainable and resilient global energy framework.

“Two years ago, President Joe Biden took the stage at COP 26 and made a declaration of ambition: the United States will reclaim its position as a global leader in the fight against the climate crisis,” stated Harris. “Since then, the United States has turned ambition into action.”

She highlighted over $400 billion in grants provided by the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, the climate law signed by Biden, which sparked a surge of investments in clean energies. Additionally, she announced a new commitment of $3 billion to the Green Climate Fund, aiding developing countries in combating global warming. This showcases a tangible commitment to translating climate goals into concrete financial support, underlining the transformative impact of policy initiatives on sustainable practices.

Beyond the conference, the United States unveiled new measures to curb methane emissions, a potent greenhouse gas, stemming from oil and gas operations. “Today, we are demonstrating through actions that the world can and must address this crisis,” declared Harris.

As the second-largest emitter of greenhouse gases globally, trailing only China, the United States has witnessed a surge in investment in clean energy projects in recent years. This spans from solar parks and wind turbines to electric vehicle battery factories. The commitment to addressing methane emissions underscores a multifaceted approach to environmental stewardship, as the nation strives to not only reduce overall emissions but also target specific contributors to climate change.

However, it has also emerged as the primary global producer of oil and gas, the major contributors to climate emissions, thanks to technological advancements in drilling across the expansive Permian Basin in Texas and New Mexico.

This intriguing juxtaposition highlights one of the most contentious issues under discussion at COP 28: Can the collective response to climate change accommodate the persistent reliance on fossil fuels?.

Among the pivotal decisions facing nations is the unprecedented agreement to phase out fossil fuels gradually and transition to renewable energy sources. This critical juncture underscores the ongoing debate on finding a balance between meeting energy demands and ensuring environmental sustainability on a global scale.

The host for COP 28, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), a member of OPEC, aims to present a vision for a future with reduced carbon emissions that actively embraces fossil fuels. This vision relies on technologies designed to capture carbon dioxide, preventing its release into the atmosphere, and on making oil and gas operations more environmentally friendly.

Commitments to Decarbonization During the Saturday session, the UAE announced the commitment of 50 energy companies, representing approximately 40% of global oil production, to drastically reduce methane emissions from their operations by 2030 and completely eliminate all greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

Prominent players in the energy sector, such as U.S.-based Exxon Mobil and Saudi Arabia’s Aramco, joined this initiative, even though they had previously set similar goals as part of the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative. This emphasizes the industry-wide acknowledgment of the imperative to address emissions and transition toward more sustainable energy practices.

Climate activists remained sceptical

“Net-zero emission pledges without concrete plans and lacking governmental regulatory backing shouldn’t be hailed. It’s time to shift from mere promises to robust regulations,” emphasized Catherine Abreu, the founder of the non-profit organization Destination Zero.

“There’s a lengthy track record of oil companies making climate commitments that don’t materialize into tangible measures,” she further noted.


The conference saw the establishment of several international agreements designed to promote climate-friendly transformations in global energy systems. These initiatives encompass the advancement of renewable energy sources and nuclear energy, coupled with efforts to restrict financial support for coal projects.

In reflection, COP 28 emerged as a pivotal platform where nations grappled with the complex interplay between climate aspirations and the persistent reliance on fossil fuels. The paradoxical stance of leading nations, such as the United States, showcased the intricate challenges in aligning climate rhetoric with the stark reality of heightened oil and gas production. Simultaneously, it illustrated a genuine effort to balance economic interests with a commitment to sustainable practices.

The commitments made by countries like the United States and the United Arab Emirates, both in financial support for clean energy projects and concrete steps towards decarbonization, highlight a recognition of the urgency in addressing climate change. However, the skepticism voiced by climate advocates underscores the imperative for these commitments to be firmly anchored in robust regulations and governmental frameworks.

On an international scale, the agreements reached at COP 28 signal a collective intent to foster global energy systems that prioritize environmental responsibility. The emphasis on renewable sources, nuclear energy, and the diminishing support for coal projects signifies a shared acknowledgment of the need for a profound transformation in the energy sector.

In the wake of COP 28, Hector de Castro, CEO of LUSH, the International Association of Luxury Sustainable Boutique Hotels, emphasizes the need for a comprehensive approach to sustainability in the hospitality industry. He states, “As we navigate the evolving landscape of global climate discussions, the hospitality sector must play a significant role in advancing sustainable practices. Our commitment to fostering eco-conscious luxury experiences, heritage protection and positive impact on destinations, alligns to COP 28’s emphasis on renewable energy and decarbonization. It is imperative for the industry to move beyond symbolic gestures and actively integrate sustainable initiatives into everyday operations. By doing so, we not only contribute to the global fight against climate change but also offer discerning travelers an authentic and responsible choice for their accommodations.”

At LUSH hotels association we do consider COP 28 as a crucial milestone in the ongoing global effort to navigate the complexities of climate action. It underscores both the progress made and the challenges that persist. N evertheless we make a call for sustained commitment, tangible actions, and vigilant oversight to ensure that climate ambitions are not mere promises but translate into meaningful, regulatory-backed measures for a sustainable future.


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